Patient Screening Form

Family & Specialist Dental Practice

Please provide us with information about your personal details and general health to help us treat you safely. Do not answer any questions you do not understand. You will have the opportunity to discuss any queries with your dentist. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

It is a requirement that your medical history is updated by you every 6 months, or as and when there have been changes, whichever is sooner. Please use this form to update us prior to your appointment.

    Next of Kin

    By completing this section you consent to the practice contacting your next of kin in the event of a medical emergency

    Medical History Update

    Please note; if you have previously completed the form within 6 months and there are no changes to your medical form, you can leave this section blank and just complete the fields which are marked as required and the covid screening questions.

    Are you (tick all that apply):

    Currently pregnantReceiving treatment from a doctor, hospital or clinicTaking any prescribed medicines (e.g. tablets, ointments, injections, or inhalers eye drops, suppositories, nebulisers, the contraceptive pill or HRT)Carrying a medical warning card

    Do you suffer from (tick all that apply):

    Allergies to any medicines (e.g. penicillin), substances (e.g. latex/rubber) or foodsHay feverEczemaBronchitis, asthma or other chest conditionFainting attacks, giddiness, blackouts, epilepsyHeart problems (e.g. angina, blood pressure problems or stroke)Diabetes (or does anyone in your familyNeurological (nerve) diseases (e.g. 'neuropathies', MS etc.)Arthritis?Bruising or persistent bleeding following injury, tooth extraction or surgeryAny infections diseases (including HIV, hepatitis, TB)Stomach ulcers/hiatus hernia/indigestion

    Did you, as a child or since, have (tick all that apply):

    Rheumatic fever, heart murmur or choreaLiver disease (e.g. jaundice, hepatitisKidney diseaseAny other serious illness

    Did you, as a child or since, have (tick all that apply):

    Blood refused by the Blood Transfusion ServiceA bad reaction to general or local anaestheticA joint replacement or other implantTreatment that required you to be in hospitalHeart surgeryGrowth hormone treatment before the mid 1980sA close relative (parent, sibling, child, grandparent, or grandchild) with Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD)Steroid treatment

    How many units of alcohol do you drink per week? (A unit is half a pint of lager, a single measure of spirits of a single glass of wine/aperitif)

    Do you smoke any tobacco products now (or did you in the past)?

    Do you chew tobacco, pan, use gutkha or supari now (or did you in the past)?


    Get in Touch

    Book an appointment with one of our experienced team.