General Dentistry
Dental Crowns
Family & Specialist Dental Practice in Twickenham
Why would I need a dental crown?
Weak teeth – if you have large fillings in your teeth or a large cavity, the remaining tooth structure can be extremely weak and liable to fracturing. A crown fits over this weak tooth and to an extent holds it together, making it far less vulnerable to breaking. We tend to crown most root filled teeth as standard as they can be very weak.
Discoloured teeth – If your tooth has been discoloured by having a large amalgam filling or has been root treated (which can leave your tooth looking grey and unnatural), crowns are an excellent way of masking up this discolouration. They are matched to your natural tooth colour and can hide even the darkest of teeth.
Broken teeth – if your tooth has suffered a breakage, crowns can effectively restore it back to its original shape.

What are crowns made of?
Metal-Ceramic crowns – these crowns consist of two layers, metal underneath and porcelain on top. These have added strength due to the metal base and are used in cases where the patient’s bite is extremely strong.